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Neutralizes toxic substances by structuring the water contained in products.

Bio-resonance device which:

  • Purifies food products
  • Improves the quality of alcoholic beverages
  • Improves the qualities of tobacco products
  • Improves the qualities of perfumery and cosmetics
  • Helps the absorption of medicines containing water

24 months warranty for individuals.

Weight 1.00 kg






SKU: 103 Category:

FOODGUARD is a high-tech device which neutralizes toxic substances in products and blocks their ability to exhibit pathogenic properties. After using the device, toxins cannot make any reactions in the body and are naturally expelled from it within 24 to 48 hours.

FOODGUARD has a regulatory influence on the information status of water. By emitting resonance frequencies and by creating an information waveform matrix, its structure is optimized in a variety of products. The water treated with it has a beneficial effect on all the physiological systems of the human organism, as well as on animals and plants, and helps normalize their activity. The adoption of a water-structured water affects all the physiological systems of the human body, supports the healing processes and stabilizes the health of a human being. Practice shows that the lower the quality of the product, the more tangible the impact of the structuring device.

  • Food products: The positive properties of fat containing products are restored: butter, cream, cheese and vegetable fat products. The appliance has a particularly strong impact on products containing water: fruits, vegetables, fresh spices, soups, pastries, dairy products, beverages. Meat products after processing acquire a fresh and saturated taste.
  • Alcoholic beverages: Improves the properties of alcoholic beverages by making them softer and at the same time weakens the hangover.
  • Tobacco products: Tobacco products acquire noticeably milder taste after processing and their harmful effects are reduced. There have been many cases of smokers who have lost interest in smoking after periodic use of processed tobacco.
  • Perfumery and cosmetics: Lipstick becomes more elastic, easier to apply and lasts longer. Creams become gentler, softer, the aroma of natural ingredients and their effect is enhanced.
  • Drugs and medications: When using pharmacological products with structured water, their adequate absorption is assisted. The action of naturally-occurring drugs (grass, leaf and fruit based) is enhanced.
  • Plants: Regular use of structured water for plant irrigation contributes to higher yields. It has a beneficial effect on germination and leads to increased harvests.

After a continuous use of products processed with FOODGUARD, a process is observed of cleaning the body from toxic substances, heavy metals, radionuclides, etc.; self-cleaning processes are initiated.

Practical use

The standard processing time is 20 minutes. The field emitted by the appliance has a radius of 30 cm from its centre, including upwards and downwards. This allows the processing of large food products. The useful properties that the device induces on the processed object are preserved within 48 hours. For food products, beverages, etc., it is recommended to process immediately before consuming or cooking.

We cannot make any claims about frequencies. The use of the device does not exclude consultation with a doctor and compliance with the prescriptions of official medicine.
